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We encourage you to talk to our clients to learn more about your Med Journey abroad. Contact information is available upon request.

Testimonials - Spinal

This is what some of our clients who have recently returned had to say
about their Med Journey abroad.

DEE - Spinal Fusion

I am writing to express my sincere thanks for all the work and arrangements that Med Journeys did for me so that I could have my much needed spinal surgery done in such a quick manner.

I was very impressed by all of the hospital staff at Artemis Hospital, especially my surgeon Dr. Hedge and his assistants. They were all wonderful and explained everything down to the detail of what they were going to do and then again afterwards, what had been done. The nurses were absolutely wonderful as well. When I pushed my call button they were there immediately...not like here in America where you have to wait and wait for a nurse to come. We were very impressed to say the least! We were treated like celebrities during the whole stay in the hospital.

The guest house that you sent us to for recovery was wonderful with beautiful grounds. The Bhutani’s family was wonderful people who treated us like long time friends, and the food they served was delicious.

It was an exciting experience for us and will never be forgotten. The best part of all of this is that the cost of going to India to have my surgery, the guest house and plane fare came to less than one quarter of what it would have cost us here in the U.S. just to have the surgery. Thank you again.

LARRY TULLOS - Spinal Fusion

I began to look for some source of help. We felt like we needed some guidance. I found Med Journeys on the internet. I called and spoke with their Case Manager, Tim Wallace, and felt very comfortable with them upfront. That helped a lot in making a decision.'

Through ongoing consultation with Med Journeys, I learned how the company coordinates the myriad components of its clients' trips. ``It was a difficult decision, but we spent several weeks in the process, asking every question that we could ask and they did a great job. They took their time and made it a point to answer every question....We felt like Med Journeys had a real concern about us personally. They were there for my wife and me before, during, and after surgery, and even after we returned from India. Their follow-up really nailed down the fact that Med Journeys has a real concern about the folks they send overseas. Link to Larry Tullos Press release (pdf wil open in a separate window).

DAN ESPELAND - (Two Level Cervical Artificial Disc Replacement)

Med Journeys staff made our trip worry free. They met us at the airport, checked in with us daily, and were more than willing to advocate with the hospital or doctors if there were concerns. When it was time to leave, they made sure that someone met us at the airport and assisted our check-in. With this being my first foreign airport experience, the assistance relieved all of my anxiety.

I am now four weeks out from my surgery. I have little or no pain in my neck, and significantly improved range of motion. I still have some numbness and burning in my hands and feet, but nerve degeneration is slow. I frequently tell people that, after my experience, I would only consider a fusion as a last resort. I also tell them that I would contact Med Journeys, and fly to India again in a heartbeat, if I needed another surgery...


I began looking overseas when my only option for surgery in the U.S. was a multi-level fusion. From my extensive research, I learned enough about long term problems to adjacent vertebrae to know that I did not want a fusion. Med Journeys was able to locate an orthopedic surgeon who was highly trained and respected in his country of India and the world. In addition, Dr. Hegde was trained in Texas on the specific artificial disc that I had determined was the best solution for me.

Highlights of my experience were as follows:

1. The hospitals were spotlessly clean, and the staff attended to your every need. My room was swept and mopped and the linens were changed daily. According to my research, India has a less than 1% post surgical infection rate.

2. Security was very tight. Although I had concerns prior to my trip, I never once worried about my safety while in the hospital or at the Bhutani guest house.

3. Pre-surgical tests were extensive. The doctors were very thorough in evaluating my health status as a surgical candidate. They are very concerned that their patients have a successful surgery and recovery.

4. In the hospital, nurses were available 24 hours a day. The nurses were very caring and competent.

5. The food was great - even the hospital food.

6. Most importantly, Med Journeys staff made our trip worry free. They met us at the airport, checked in with us daily, and were more than willing to advocate with the hospital or doctors if there were concerns. When it was time to leave, they made sure that someone met us at the airport and assisted our check-in. With this being my first foreign airport experience, the assistance relieved all of my anxiety.

I am now four weeks out from my surgery. I have little or no pain in my neck, and significantly improved range of motion. I still have some numbness and burning in my hands and feet, but nerve degeneration is slow. I frequently tell people that, after my experience, I would only consider a fusion as a last resort. I also tell them that I would contact Med Journeys, and fly to India again in a heartbeat, if I needed another surgery.

DARLENE FALK, RN, BSN (Dan’s Sister) I wanted to thank you for the services provided for my brother and me for his surgery. I was very impressed with your agency and the staff that we encountered. Prabha and her assistant, Nina, were very receptive to all of our needs and concerns. The Bhutani family was so much fun and wonderful to work with. I can't say enough good things about Dr. Hegda and the Artemis staff.

I would also like to personally thank your staff and send them some pictures if you are able to give out email addresses. As a registered nurse and nurse case manager at Bozeman Deaconess Hospital, I must admit that I went to India with some scepticism, but was very impressed with what was offered. I am trying to help Artemis with some educational things for nurses and a few other things. If there is anything I can do to help your company, let me know.

Thanks again, Sonny.

CAROLYN PEARSON - Endoscopic Spinal Surgery

I just wanted to send along a note to let you know I arrived home safely. Thank you again for your incredible care and attention while I was in Delhi. Though I'm sure I could have managed the trip without your help, I'm very glad I didn't have to.