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We encourage you to talk to our clients to learn more about your Med Journey abroad. Contact information is available upon request.

Testimonials - Bariatric

This is what some of our clients who have recently returned had to say
about their Med Journey abroad.

SUSAN DAVIS - Gastric By Pass

Med Journeys is a wonderful organization. My husband and I were so impressed with how well we were taken care of from the start of our inquiries to the return from India after surgery. I was impressed right away with the kind and thorough, but not pushy responses from their Case Manager’s Tim and Jeff about the process of traveling abroad for medical treatment. I had many questions that I needed to ask and they were patient with me while being expedient when I finally made up my mind to make sure that everything fell into place in a short time frame. Prabha, ( their office manager in India ) was very helpful in Delhi by picking us up at the airport, checking us into the hospital, introducing us to one of my doctors (who happened to be there at 11:30 pm when we arrived!)...


Enough can't be said for all she did to make us comfortable and happy for the entire duration of our stay. Dr. Vashistha, Dr. Gupta, and all of the staff at the hospital couldn't have been kinder or more caring. The hospital facilities were as nice as any in the states, but what was different was the amount of attention patients receive. The hospital has a huge staff and it seems they all work as a team. On average, my nurse only had 2-4 patients. I know because I asked. My doctors visited me at least 3 times a day, and sometimes more. I could go on and on about the superb care I received at the hospital.

The Bhutani family that owns The Charter House Guest House was fabulous. They were very accommodating with my special dietary needs. I didn't even have to explain because they have had experience with preparing meals for similar patients recovering. We loved getting out to the market and our trip to see the Taj Majal as well. The cost for my surgery, the round trip airfare, stay at the Recovery Retreat, trips to and from the airport and hospital came to a total far below what I would have paid in the states for the surgery alone. Med Journeys is certainly outstanding in the Medical Tourism business and I would recommend them to anyone needing assistance in finding safe and affordable medical care abroad.

VALERIE SIMONSON - Gastric By Pass & Double Knee Replacement

We had no insurance coverage for a gastric bypass surgery and I will say thanks to med journeys and the hospital/doctors in India. After my Gastric By Pass I then then had both knees replaced on the same trip, with great success. I have never seen a doctor with so much caring for those he operates on, he was always with me and always available by phone and in person, just a fine man and doctor. As for the hospital it is as nice as any in the states, very well staffed, clean and nice to be in.

Med Journeys handled all arrangements here and there, you will love them and their representative in New Delhi and the charter house is very nice. They take care of you at the housing very well, understanding your needs after the operation with food and care. You will feel like one of the family, we would love to see them again in the future. It was a great experience and we are glad we did it.

ELLEN HODGES & DEBORAH HARRIS - Lapband and Gastric Sleeve

Ellen and I are doing fine. Our flights home were long, but not bad. The wheel chairs at the airports were a life saver. I loved Dr. Malhotra and I thought his team did well. I was impressed that the anesthesiologist actually came to do one of my IV's. I thought that the nurses did a very good job, especially Beena. One big difference from being in the hospital here (U.S.) is that you seldom see your doctor in America , only the nursing staff. I appreciate all the help from your Host country managers in India. Prabha and Neena's were very helpful, and Amarita, and Rita were very nice at the guest house. I think the guest house worked very well, especially when we felt like joining everyone for dinner at the main house. Everyone comparing their ailments/stories helped passed the time. Thank you also for the flowers after surgery and for my birthday and the cake! It really smelled great . Thanks for everything.

BOB COOK - Gastric Bypass

Fortis hospital and their staff were wonderful I would go there again if I need to. Dr Yogesh Agarwala was a wonderful doctor and surgeon, I would highly recommend him to my best friend. He has a great personality and bed side mannerr which doctors need to learn in this country, well at least the surgeons I've met recently. Charter Inn guest house, was nice and quaint. It was a good feeling knowing that Med Journeys was available 24 / 7 and I did appreciate both you and Neena. Med Journeys USA and India were very helpful. To sum it all up I'm glad I did it and would advise other people to do it. Thank you all.

STEVEN GOODMAN AND EDITH DAVIS - Lap Band Reversal and Gall Bladder Surgery

Med Journeys, given the superb quality of your service to your patients and their families, I should doubt that you need additional testimonials. Rather, you need to let people know that the quality of health care in Costa Rica equals far exceeds that available in the US at a fraction of the cost. Everyone we dealt with in the entire process made us feel comfortable and welcome, in spite of our inability to speak Spanish.

Our case was probably unusual in that the entire matter needed to be arranged in virtually no time. Med Journeys particularly their case manager’s Tim Wallace and Jeff Pierce, told us about Hospital Clinica Biblica, ... the right surgeon for my wife’s needs ...and helped remove the fear of being in a "foreign" country. We always felt safe, secure, and well attended. The medical recovery facility we stayed at, Che Tica Ranch, was excellent in all respects. You can recommend them to anyone in complete comfort.

The next time we need medical services, we are likely to return to Costa Rica. Only next time, perhaps we can stay an extra few days and see some more of the country. Our thanks and gratitude to one and all.