Thank you for visiting our website. Your privacy is very important to us. Simply stated, our policy is to collect no personal information about you when you visit our website unless you affirmatively choose to make such information available to us.
In keeping with the object of protecting your Privacy we follow all the Laws pertaining to our Privacy responsibilities. It is necessary for us to request certain information from you so that we can better service your needs. To that extent you may be asked to answer questions and provide information that is private in nature.
When you visit our website we may record your IP address and which sections of our site you visit. If your register with us, we may link this information to your User Name and User Profile. This permits us to evaluate our information and make our site as comprehensive as possible.

When you become a customer further additional information will be necessary to serve you. This information may be used in a number of ways, including identifying your needs and sharing relevant information with our service providers.


We make limited use of "cookies," which are small sets of text information stored onto your computer in connection with your use of our website. These store temporary individual user information concerning your use of this site and your user identification. We do not maintain copies of cookies on our web site after you leave our web site.

Within the use of commercially reasonable efforts on our part, your personal information will not be disclosed except as necessary for our services, and as required by applicable laws. We take all precautions that are commercially reasonable to protect your information from unintended distribution. However, due to the nature of the internet, we can not guaranty that some personal information may not be obtained by improper or illegal means.

Last modification: September 20, 2006