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We encourage you to talk to our clients to learn more about your Med Journey abroad. Contact information is available upon request.

Testimonials - Cosmetic

This is what some of our clients who have recently returned had to say
about their Med Journey abroad.

MICHAEL & LYNN COLEMAN- Cosmetic Surgery

My wife and I recently recently returned from a medical vacation to Costa Rica. There is no way to adequately tell you how pleased we are about the entire trip.. Lynn and I could not be more pleased with the entire “Med Journeys� experience and would be very happy to assist you by answering a limited # of phone inquires from prospective clients...


We had been contemplating some cosmetic surgery for sometime….My wife wanted the Liposuction treatment on her Tummy and I was tired of the puffiness and “sacks� under my eyes. We had heard about all of the cost benefits of have same done Ex US but were somewhat leary about the idea. We finally went “fishing� on the net and found the Med Journeys site

We made contact with Tim Wallace and he did an absolutely superb job of making of my wife and I feel very comfortable about having the procedures done in Costa Rica. Jeff Pierce did a great job backing up Tim.

Upon arrival in CR, we were met by Med Journeys staff in Costa Rica and taken to our Hotel. The Hotel was just great !! The food was just fine, the people at the Hotel seemed to go out of their way to accommodate our any request. The Med Journeys local people were just great.

Bill Cook at Biblica hospital, and his Staff did a wonderful job of holding our hands and being there when we needed them during, and following the actual procedures. It was great to wake up in recovery and see Starlene standing there. Cecil, Bill`s assistant was most helpful.We thought the hospital was really first class.

Lynn and I could not be more pleased with the entire “Med Journeys� experience and would be very happy to assist you by answering a limited # of phone inquires from prospective clients.

KAREN KITCHEN - Cosmetic Surgery

What was really wonderful about Med Journeys is their service, and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate everyone involved. It’s a fact that from the beginning I was always made to feel special: I was always made to feel safe. I think it is very important for a single women traveling alone to know that she is safe when traveling abroad. I had nothing to worry about .Med Journey made all the arrangements, all that I had to do is get my passport !

When I arrived in Bangkok I was greeted by not only one, but two, special people from Med Journeys who were with me throughout my stay. All of the Med Journeys staff in the US and now here in Bangkok are polite, happy, and caring. It must be a characteristic you have to be, in order to be a Med Journeys person. I work in an hospital atmosphere in the United States, and I must say that I have never experienced the quality the level of caring that I had experienced at Yanhee Hospital in Bangkok.

Well, I cant say enough about Med Journeys. They have been with me every step of the way. All in all, my experience with Thailand, and Med Journeys is one I enjoyed it immensely. The people have been wonderful. Med journeys “ let me tell you, you are absolutely the best.

FAITH RICHTER - Cosmetic Surgery

After returning from my Med Journeys Journey of a Lifetime to Bangkok, Thailand. I was delighted and appreciated your thoughtfulness in sending me flowers. Thank you so much. The trip you planned for my cosmetic surgery turned out exactly as you promised. We were met at the airport by your staff in Bangkok. Even though it was after midnight, they expedited my admission to the hospital. My husband was made as comfortable and at ease as I was...


As an RN, I was concerned about having the appropriate pre-op procedures. They were all expeditiously accomplished the following morning along with thorough pre-op consultations with my surgeon and anesthesiologist. My surgery followed promptly in the afternoon. Following surgery, I found the nursing staff to be very knowledgeable, caring and efficient. My room was very clean and comfortable. The Yanhee International Department staff followed my case closely and Natt, the Med Journeys case manager in Thailand visited me daily in the hospital.

On day five after surgery, Natt took us to our hotel and established us in a large well equipped deluxe room with balcony overlooking the Chao Phraya River, which met all of our needs. Natt even made sure I had plenty of extra pillows for my recovery, and went out of their way to bring us quite a number of pleasant surprises like chocolates, cakes and travel books. Natt touched base every day to monitor my recovery and see what I needed. On day nine after surgery, Natt took me for a follow-up visit to my surgeon and removal of my stitches.

We enjoyed our requested tours, which you so nicely arranged with the excellent guide Pui Porutip. Natt and Pui each took us to a nice shopping mall and helped us pick out some things we needed. On our departure, you even arranged to have our luggage carried right up to the airline check-in counter, because I was not supposed to lift anything.

Our trip was much more than we expected and I am very pleased with my surgery, so we will not hesitate to recommend Med Journeys to our family and friends and consider some other procedures in the future. Again, A big thanks to all of you at Med Journeys.

LINDA MUNCASTER-Cosmetic Surgery

I started planning my medical journey about a year ago. We had planned to go to Thailand anyway and I had always promised myself that I would have a face lift around a ‘certain’ age! I started researching four different companies including Med Journeys. First of all, it was an easy decision for me to decide to have

surgery overseas. I am British and have lived in many countries and have had various operations in those countries, two of them in the third world. I chose to go overseas not only because of the significant lower cost, but because I knew that I would get excellent treatment and care in Thailand. This was of the utmost importance to me. Med Journeys met all the important criteria for me and all I can say is ‘it just felt right!

I have always gone with my instincts. The Med Journeys team were always professional, polite, knowledgeable and friendly. I have always felt comfortable with them - another most important necessity.


My husband took my photos, which were forwarded from Med Journeys to Thailand and within a few days I had the total cost and a confirmation that the procedures I wanted were right for me - mid-face and neck lift and upper and lower eye lift. My decision was made and I sat back and counted the months. Due to all the travelling I’ve done, we booked all the flights ourselves. I also did research on serviced apartments - all the comforts of a hotel and home combined. Med Journeys checked out Centre Point - Wireless Rd in Bangkok on their next visit and found it to be perfect.

I left San Francisco alone on 2nd November and was met in Bangkok by Natt, my host country manager. We hit it off immediately. She is so friendly and speaks perfect English. I was driven to Yanhee International Hospital which specialises in Cosmetic Surgery, where I registered and within thirty minutes my surgeon, Dr. Somsak and I had our consultation. I felt instant rapport with him - something else which is very important to me. His English is perfect; he is extremely friendly and smiles often! Apparently I had the longest consult ever, due to my many questions! I really got a second wind after a 20 hour journey. Needless to say I was taken by surprise when Dr. Somsak said he would operate later that day - no point in waiting and within an hour all my tests had been performed and checked and I was in my private room, given my special shampoo to wash my hair, showered and in bed ready for my IV. I just had enough time to call my husband and tell him I would be in theatre within the hour. I was on the tenth floor and had a balcony and a lovely view over the city. The nurses at Yanhee are wonderful, just like angels and I wasn’t nervous. My anaesthetist came to speak to me and ask me the usual questions and very soon I was on my way. My eyes were done separately which I knew was the case. This does not happen in the US. However, it’s much better as Dr. Somsak put me under mild IV sedation for the first part and then woke me to confirm, before completion, that the eyes will fully close. I found the procedure a little uncomfortable but mainly because of the pressure. (I felt the same way when I had Lasik.) It’s just the way I am. However, it wasn’t painful. I’m very resilient and just told myself it would soon be over and I would have eyelids again, which I saw within minutes when I asked for a mirror. Within about thirty minutes I was taken in the elevator to a larger operating theatre for my face and neck lift. The next thing I remember was being lifted from the operating table onto the trolley ( I always come round quickly) and it was 1am, Monday morning. I had a headache and my face and neck were heavily bandaged. It was uncomfortable, but I wouldn’t say painful. I dozed off and woke up a few hours later with a worse headache and was given an injection which helped. Other than that the only pain relief I had was Paracetamol, a mild over the counter pain killer (only available overseas) which I think is similar to Tylenol, but better! The worse thing was discomfort. I couldn’t hear properly due to all the bandages and couldn’t focus due to the heavy eye ointment on my sutures. I slept most of Monday and Tuesday and ate my liquid diet. I had a full body massage to help me relax which really helped. I told Natt I would definitely do it again My ‘angels’ were in and out of my room to administer meds take vitals, check my IV and change my ice packs. I use ice for about two weeks which really helped with the swelling around my eyes and the tight feelings around my ears.They helped me shower and were so kind and friendly. My face had no bruising or swelling. My lower eyes were a lovely shade of purple and swollen but by Day 3 started turning yellow and the swelling started to subside.

Day 3 Bandages off and I can hear a little better. IV out and I can start to chew - not an easy thing I can tell you. Dr Somsak says I have a little fluid in my ear and it will be fine. I am taken to the salon to have my hair washed. She is so gentle around my staples and stitches and I feel human again. Swellings under my eyes are really going down. I’m told not to talk much, or make sudden head movements. I’m still sleeping most of the day and night - the best medicine! Now that my ears ‘have popped’ I can make phone calls. I’m sleeping propped up as I will be for the next three weeks. I decided to stay at Yanhee for five days as my husband wasn’t arriving in Bangkok till then.

Day 4 Eyes looking better than ever and able to eat more solids. I still have a headache but realise it’s the strain of trying to focus. I’m told it’s just the ointment.

Day 5 So excited as I get to see Bangkok and wear clothes other than my pyjamas! (Would recommend taking one’s own. I felt more comfortable in them. The sutures around my eyes and ears are removed - completely painless! My staples will be removed at my check up in a week. I complete my final paperwork, pay my bill, say goodbye to everyone (with a promise to see them next week) get in the taxi with Natt and go to Centre Point. My husband arrives minutes after I do and even though I sent a couple of photos from my phone, he’s amazed at the difference. Within an hour we’re on the Sky train bound for MBK (the best place to shop) I move a little slowly but retail therapy is super especially in Bangkok. I feel really well considering. My face is very numb - all to be expected and under my eyes are bruised but nothing that a new pair of sunglasses doesn’t cover up!

Day 6- 12 Every day there are significant changes as the swelling under my eyes goes down and the bruises improve. My head and face itch internally, which is normal.

Day 12 Staples are painlessly removed. There are so many of them. Dr Somsak says I’ve healed so well. Some of the scars around my ears are already disappearing. I can now wear eye make-up - having eye lids again (they’d dropped so much) is so exciting!

The following week we fly to Phuket, then back to Bangkok and I see Dr. Somsak one final time (my choice) before flying to Hong Kong for a week. Healing is slow now. Bruising has disappeared, but the under eyes are still a little puffy. My face is still numb and will be for months, but one gets used to it. I get shooting pains in various places which means the nerves are healing.

CLAUDIA PINE - Cosmetic Surgery.

Hi Sonny and Crew !! I had a good experience with Med Journeys and would recommend it to anyone. I enjoyed my trip to Costa Rica very much, and was pleased with your choice of accommodations and of course the doctor. I hope you are all well and helping many more people as you helped me. You provide a very good service - one that is needed with the outrageous costs in the US. Thanks Again!

ANA - Cosmetic Surgery,

Hello !! I just wanted to thank the Med Journey team for the wonderful welcome back flowers but most of all for the wonderful service you provided with your services while in India. Indeed, it is a magical country with charming people. I was pleased with my surgery result (still healing) but already feel beautiful :)

Thank you again!

M. SLINGER - Cosmetic Surgery

I travelled from my home country, USA, to have Dr. Kashyap do my surgery because plastic Surgeons have to have the medical qualifications to perform surgery, but they also have to be artists-they have to have vision. Dr. Kashyap is an artist he has the vision and I was not comfortable with anyone else doing my surgery. Dr. Kashyap is just an HONEST, INTELLIGENT, SKILLED, HIGHLY DEDICATED Physician with unquestionable integrity

BARBARA H. - Cosmetic Surgery

Thank you so much!!! What a great experience! I'm thrilled that after taking a few months to decide on where I would like to do my surgery that I ended up in India! I received a breast lift with augmentation and a full tummy tuck with Dr. Kashyap. It was honestly so much easier than what I'd expected! I've heard many different stories regarding going abroad; mine has been so easy thanks to Med Journeys!

From the very initial call Med Journeys answered all my questions in a timely manner. Their staff in India met me at the airport, helped me check into the Hospital and basically watched over me throughout my stay in New Delhi! The Charter House Guest House was the perfect place to recover and I have made some great new lifelong Friends! Even though I still have some swelling, I'm thrilled with my results and it was worth the trip from the US.; I would recommend Med Journeys and Dr. Kashyap to anyone looking to have Cosmetic Surgery! Thanks so much!"

SALLY - Cosmetic Surgery.

It has been nearly one year since my facelift. I am writing to express my gratitude for everything Med Journeys has done for my outstanding surgery in India. Looking back, I didn't realize the magnitude of what I was signing up for, yet I did it. I did it, because I trusted the staff of Med Journeys' ability and intent. I trusted your staff and the procedure you outlined. Also, when I was scared, you had me speak with Dr.Kashyap directly over the phone which made me so comfortable.

Prabha and the entire Med Journeys staff in India went out of their way to make sure I was comfortable at all times. I couldn't have done it without them. So a year later, I am writing to tell you - I AM SO HAPPY WITH THE RESULTS! I am so grateful I had the opportunity to go forward with a facelift in another country. I am already thinking about my second surgery and I would not use anyone other than Med Journeys and Dr. Kashyap. This time I think I will go see the Taj Mahal! Thank you for a most positive process. I would be happy to recommend your services to any of your future clients. Most sincerely and God Bless.

DEBORAH. Cosmetic Surgery

Med Journeys and the medical treatment I received far exceeded my expectations. Initially, I was quite nervous about cosmetic surgery. While I knew I wanted some work done, I was quite concerned about the process and going abroad for surgery, and; frankly I had many questions. Tim, Jeff, Michelle and all of the Med Journeys staff were incredibly supportive, helpful, kind and professional. All of my questions were answered clearly and concisely. My calls were returned quickly and politely.

Initially, I had chosen another MD, but upon review of Dr. Kashyap's credentials, Med Journeys suggestions, talking to other patients, I changed my mind and chose him. That was the best choice I could have made. I am so happy with the outcome, and my experience. The surgery went off without a hitch and my healing time was much quicker than I initially anticipated. Dr. Kashyap is much more than a skilled surgeon; he is an artist with a medical degree and a kind personable man. I would highly recommend India and Med Journeys to anyone.