In order for your surgeon abroad to give you a proper evaluation and
diagnosis, any medical records i.e. X-rays, MRIs can be very helpful.
We can assist you with this minor but very important step by digitizing
your medical records. With this service you have the ability to send
your records to your hospital, while keeping your costly records in your
safe keeping. You will not have to worry about sending your records overseas
and never seeing them again.
Clients are assigned a Privacy number to allow transmission of X-Rays
to their server in accordance with the HIPAA Regulations. Clients reference
this number when submitting X-Rays so they can safely and privately upload
files to our server for submission to our overseas physicians.
As you can see, there are many benefits to this process:
- Clients save a substantial amount of money by utilizing this service as compared to transferring original X-Rays via common carrier to various parts of the world
- This gives us the flexibility to transfer these files electronically
- Faster turn-around time to receive diagnosis from the doctor
- Original copies will be safe and in our clients’ possession at all times
Kindly ask your Case Manager for more information if you would like to take advantage of this service.