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PROCEDURES - Preventative

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Body Detocification and Purification Therapy
Detoxification, which includes five major procedures, is meant to purify the whole body by eliminating the accumulated toxins from it. This package includes treatments like Purgation, Emesis, Medicated Oil Enema, medicated decoction enema & Nasal Administration. The specialty of this treatment is that it can be administered both in a healthy, as well as the diseased person. When a healthy person subjects himself to the Detoxification therapy, it has a preventive, restorative and rejuvenating effect on the body.

Rejuvenation Therapy
The toxins / free radicals produced by the constant metabolic activities in the body damage the body cells resulting in wear and tear of the body, which is nothing but aging. The process of aging is accelerated by improper life-style, food habits and prolonged stress and strain. The programs that are offered under this package are aimed at restoring the vigor and vitality of the body by eliminating the toxins and by enhancing the body's immunity through their anti - oxidant & prophylactic properties. The package includes the various Rejuvenation therapies.

Stress Management Therapy
Modern age is the age of stress and strain. The fast life is exciting as well as overtaxing. The holistic approach of Ayurveda and other stress management therapies tackle these hazards in their own natural way. They focus on the impact of the mind on body, and vice versa. Carefully planned programs such as special soothing massages work at the physical level to soothe the aching muscles and tensed nerves. At the same time, individually selected yoga, meditation and breathing exercise programs calm down the Mind and bring back the natural rhythm of the mind and body.

Weight Reduction - Loss Therapy
Continuous indulgence in high fat food, and fried food items, along with sedentary life-style leads to excess accumulation of body fat which gets deposited in the numerous body channels. This condition is associated with irregular appetite, hypertension, diabetes and many other metabolic-disorders. Special programs are included in this package with the purpose to cut down this excess fat, to correct the irregular metabolism and to clear the body channels. Deep dry massage with herbal powders and pastes, synchronized massage with specific oils, steam bath, etc., mobilize the accumulated fat, where as, specially designed diet programs prevent its further accumulation. Practice of specific yoga postures is also advised to reduce body weight.

Lifestyle Disease Management Therapy (Ayurvedic)
Diabetes, Hypertension, High Cholesterol and associated complications are the main health concerns of the modern age and are called 'Lifestyle Diseases' or 'Diseases of Civilization'. Since Ayurveda is the 'Way of Life' it addresses all the problems come under the category of Lifestyle Diseases with time-tested methodologies. This package is planned with effective Ayurvedic therapies, herbal internal medicines, Yoga, Pranayama, etc. and directed towards correcting the problems as well as to prevent all the possible complications. After analyzing the basic constitution and the existing health problems of the individual proper food and lifestyle advises with necessary follow up will be provided.

Spa Treatment and Therapies
We also provide a wide range of Spa treatments and therapies which are designed to promote good physical, mental and emotional health. Spa treatment's serve to enhance your current state of health by:

  • Relaxing the whole body
  • Loosening and relieving tired, aching and tight muscles
  • Increasing flexibility and range of motion
  • Diminishing chronic pain
  • Calming the nervous system
  • Lowering blood pressure and heart rate
  • Enhancing skin tone
  • Aiding in recovery following injuries and illness
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Reducing headaches and mental stress
  • Improving relaxation
  • Promoting restful sleep

An abbreviated list of the different types of Spa Treatments which we make available to you include:

  • Acupressure
  • Acupuncture
  • Aromatherapy
  • Ayurvedic Massage
  • Chair Massage
  • Color Therapy
  • Connective Tissue Massage
  • Deep Tissue Massage
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Herbal Wrap
  • Neuromuscular Therapy
  • Orthopedic Massage
  • Exfoliation
  • Geriatric Massage
  • Five Element Shiatsu
  • Reflexology
  • Reiki
  • Salt Glow
  • Soft Tissue Massage
  • Stone Massage
  • Swedish Massage
  • Thai Massage
  • Trigger Point Therapy


Please call us at 888-MED-JRNY (888-633-5769) or 212-931-0557 for immediate assistance!